Photo by Tabitha Brewer
The harbingers of spring are back en masse. There is nothing sweeter than welcoming each morning with the cheerful song of the Red-breasted Robin – a clear strand of whistles announcing the purity and hopefulness of the coming months.
On March 13th, Sharon Audubon will host an event to highlight our Backyard Birds of Winter.
At the base of every fruit tree are flocks of Robins gathering to harvest the first sprouts of the season -taking advantage of every beautiful opportunity. Each sunny day during the transition from winter’s chill to the warmth of spring is a gift, a rejuvenating surprise that naturally heightens the passion of our inner voices.
…Love to hear the robin go tweet, tweet, tweet.
Throughout the coming weeks, we will soar amidst the unpredictable transition to warmer weather. Like the red-breasted robin, take advantage of these glimpses of milder weather – the moments that enliven your inner voice and provide energy for planting seeds of new beginnings.
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