Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Commemorating
William Trowbridge, Sharon’s ironmaster, forged hardware for both so that the pieces could be mounted with similar hardware. Interpretative signs for the artifacts were recently installed and now we are planning a double ribbon-cutting ceremony to be held April 5th at noon. The invitation is attached and I hope you will be able to join us.
One will commemorate the Farnam Tavern’s display in its new home and with its new purpose, the other will celebrate the re-dedication of the Salisbury Bicentennial Quilt, another notable town treasure with its own wonderful story to tell. Several women who actually worked on the quilt (and/or whose mothers did and were among the women who directed the project) will be with us to do the honors for the quilt which will be very special indeed.
Both artifacts shine a light on everyday life as it was in our town at different eras and both are worth learning about and being valued and honored as a piece of our town’s history.