On Friday, June 6, from 6:00-7:15 pm, Salisbury Wines owner Warren Carter will host a Summer Wines tasting in the Clubhouse bar at Noble Horizons. Guests will taste reds, roses, sparkling wines and whites. Mr. Carter will help participants discern the nuances of a wine’s aroma, body and color, and will introduce the many subtleties that contribute to its flavor. Participants will learn how their selection of the perfect summer wine can enhance any summer meal. The tasting is $10 per person (21 and over) for which registration is requested at www.noblehorizons.org or 860-435-9851, ext. 190. Contact Caroline Burchfield at cburchfield@churchhomes.org with any questions. Noble Horizons is located at 17 Cobble Road in Salisbury, CT.