corn-basil-tomato-saladTomatoes, once a forbidden fruit, quickly evolved into a bountiful vegetable embraced by all.

Originating in Peru, tomatoes were once believed to be poisonous – earning a scientific name that translates to “wolf peach” and represents the belief that this acidic, night shade affiliate would turn your blood to acid.

Despite slanderous folklore, the laws of attraction prevailed and Americans could not resist the sweet and tangy tomato temptation.  In fact, confusion about this delectable edible’s classification began in the 1890s when the government recognized its popularity and declared it a vegetable – for taxation purposes!  The tomato, clearly a fruit with its edible portion containing seeds is even a berry when grown in its native land, persevered and maintained its strong presence throughout the nation.  Americans currently eat approximately 20lbs of fresh tomatoes per year and have even succeeded in taking their love of growing tomatoes to outerspace!

As we spend late summer days lining our counter tops with hues of orange and creatively find ways to savor every last bite, I gaze at the beauty of these “plump things with a naval” (Aztec name) and can’t help but think, that’s ‘one hot tomato.”


images (9)

Peach & Tomato Gazpacho

Litchfield Hills Tomato Sauce

Corn, Tomato, Avacado & Basil Salad

Sundried Tomatoes


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