Field a team and join the Great Mountain Forest Orienteering event on Sunday, September 22nd where an estimated 100+ participants will be organized into teams of 4-6 people whose goal is to reach as many points of interest within GMF as they can during the 3-hour timeframe of the event.
What is Orienteering?
Orienteering is a recreational activity in which participants use a map, compass, and clues to navigate between checkpoints in an unfamiliar environment. In the 2019 GMF Orienteering Event, an estimated 100 – 120 participants will be organized into teams of 4-6 people whose goal is to reach as many points of interest within GMF as they can during the 3-hour timeframe of the event. These destinations will be assigned different values based on how difficult they are to find or reach. While some teams will be competing against one another to earn the most points, the event will be organized so that that non-competing participants have a relaxed and enjoyable experience hiking in the forest.
Event Details
Orienteering participants must register in advance and pay a $25 participation fee. Check-in for the event will open at 8:00 a.m. on September 22 at the Yale Camp in the heart of Great Mountain Forest. A light breakfast of donuts and coffee will be available as individuals receive their team assignments and get briefed on the guidelines for the day’s event. The orienteering itself will kick off at 9:00 and last until noon. Participants will then return to the Yale Camp for a lunch of chili, cornbread, and cider, during which winners will be announced and sponsors will be thanked.
On the day of the event, please enter the forest from either of these 2 locations:
The east gate at 201 Windrow Road, Norfolk, CT
The west gate across from 177 Canaan Mountain Road, Falls Village
Please follow the signs to Yale Forestry Camp.