Quirky – in the most charming way. Norfolk, contrary to being dubbed the “Ice Box” (due to its reputation of having the coolest temperatures in Connecticut), is a closely-knit and warm community that proudly embraces its brisk reputation. Home to Infinity Hall and Yale Summer School of Arts & Music there is always an abundance of cultural opportunities and artistic expression. Each Saturday the Norfolk Farmer’s Market’s whimsical signs lead the way to a bustling showcase of local artisans and musicians that have rightfully earned a reputation that coincides with town’s quirky nature. A Five-Star Library that offers multi-age book clubs, art receptions, community picnics on the green and continuous year-round events sits at the forefront of the Norfolk community.
In addition to the uniquely talented personalities and amenities that infiltrate the town, Norfolk embraces its ideally situated geographic location at the base of the Southern Berkshires. Hiking trails, lakes, ponds, and the Blackberry River decorate its vast 46.4 square miles. Hiking to the peak of Haystack Mountain or Dennis Hill will yield 360-degree views of the tri-state region as well as the unexpected treat of exploring 2 historic stone structures, that are equally as intricate as many of the town’s historic homes. Norfolk, much like its beautifully humble town beach, Tobey Pond that is hidden within the depths of Great Mountain Forest, is a town that radiates natural simplicity, beauty, and talent.
Largely through the efforts of the Battell and Eldridge families, Norfolk has been a center of culture. The Norfolk Library was established in 1888 and the Litchfield County Choral Union in 1889. The Stoeckel Estate and its famous Music Shed, often visited by many of the world’s greatest musical artists, is now the home of the Yale Summer School of Music and Art.