Flags symbolize unity – From childhood clubs to large corporations and countries throughout the world,
a flag is an expression of pride. Each flag tells a story through deliberate design.
On June 14, 2015 we celebrate Flag Day to commemorate the adoption of the United States Flag on June 14, 1777. The American Flag celebrates unity and welcome. The United States is a progressive country whose flag represents its history of growth and acceptance. Thirteen stripes of bold red and white signify our original thirteen colonies and 50 stars show appreciation of each individual state that lies within. America is an ever-evolving place of peace and welcome.
The spirit of the Berkshires epitomizes the spirit of the American Flag. Our Tri-State region boasts abundant pride and genuine respect for the individuality of each unique local community. Continue the American tradition of strength, perseverance and evolution – rekindle your childhood spirit and explore the Litchfield Hills, Hudson Valley & Berkshire Mountains to create the legacy of a flag that you are proud to fly.