The Blueberry Festival in Austerlitz, New York
Join us on Sunday, July 30th from 9 am to 3 pm for the ever-popular Columbia County Blueberry Festival at the Columbia County Fairgrounds. This fun family event features early American craft demonstrations, antiques, live music and entertainment, activities for kids, animals, birds of prey, sheep-shearing, talented local artists, crafters, specialty food vendors, and more.
Highlights include:
- Blueberry pancake breakfast from 9-11:30 am ($10 for adults, $5 for kids under 12)
- Blueberries galore and blueberry-themed treats
- Garden, nature, and outdoor vendors
- Magic show, animals, birds of prey
- Live music and entertainment
- Craft demonstrations
Admission is $10 for adults (kids under 12 free). Supporting sponsors include American Pie, MetzWood Insurance, French, Gifford, Preiter Blasl Funeral Home, and more. Please let them know we appreciate their support!
Rain or shine – join us for a delicious day of blueberry fun for the whole family!