66th Salisbury Fall Festival
Make plans to attend the annual Columbus Day weekend celebration in the historic towns of Salisbury and Lakeville, CT October 7-9. This fun-filled weekend offers something for everyone.
Wander Main Street to uncover attic treasures, admire beautiful quilts, visit booths filled with homemade goods, and enjoy tasty treats like hot dogs, Greek pastries, and mac ‘n cheese. Peruse affordable housing exhibits, find locally made artisan wares, and don’t miss the book sales. Kids will love Saturday’s lineup of games, crafts, music, magic shows, and more. New events are added daily, so check back often! Weekend highlights include hayrides, the annual pet parade, sip and shop events, live music, Martha Graham dancers, Brew-Ski Fest, and fall foods like fresh cider and donuts. With scarecrows dotting Main Street, it’s the perfect small town fall festival. See you Columbus Day weekend in Salisbury and Lakeville!