“The Good King, the Noble Soul, the one who brings light out of darkness, befriends children and animals, and inspires our souls.”
The tradition of Sinterklaas was brought to Rhinebeck, NY over 300 years ago by Dutch settlers. Nicholas Sinterklaas was a bishop who spent most of his life in Amsterdam and is best known for being able to find the good in others. His counterpart, Grumpus, is a half-man, half-beast creature, representing Sinterklaas’ ability to turn darkness into light. Overtime, Sinterklaas has become the patron saint of Dutch children, unwed maidens, and Amsterdam sailors. Every year, on December 5th a ship carrying Sinterklaas arrives in Amsterdam to be greeted by a mass of Grumpuses. Celebrations of Sinterklaas continue on until the New Year, with many hopeful children leaving boots outside their door in hopes that they have been “good” and Sinterklaas & Grumpus will visit to fill them with treats.
This Saturday, Dec. 6th, the spirit of Sinterklaas will liven the streets of Rhinebeck with elaborate celebration. Rekindle your wondrous childhood spirit and join the “Noble Souls and Grumpuses” who will fill the sidewalks telling stories, playing games, dancing to music and eventually culminating in a Starlight Parade at 6:00 pm.
‘Tis the Season – Celebrate the good in life!
Click here to view a complete list of this weekend’s Sinterklaas events.