“Helping Cancer Patients Day to Day” is the mission of The Jane Lloyd Fund. A beloved community member, Jane Lloyd valiantly lived with her Cancer for eight years. Between the time of her initial diagnosis and her passing on September 14, 2005, Jane was able to realize many of her lifetime dreams, including buying the home she always wanted, and meeting & riding with her role model of the time, Lance Armstrong. Jane also passionately pursued her love of gardening, the ultimate result of which can only be the joy her clients must feel as they watch the gardens she created come to life year after year.
Throughout her time with Cancer, Jane’s family, friends, clients, and the general community came out in full force to help her maintain the ability to live her life to the fullest, without concern for the financial restraints caused by her Cancer. Following Jane’s death, her family formed The Jane Lloyd Fund, with the help of The Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation. With the fund, the Lloyd family’s goal was to arrange a way for others in our community who were/are living with Cancer to have the ability to live their lives as comfortably as possible, as Jane was able to do.
Today, almost 20 years after Jane’s passing, The Jane Lloyd Fund has helped countless community members live as valiantly as Jane was able to. This Fund provides assistance with every aspect of daily living, for those with Cancer whose treatment renders them unable to do what they used to/loved to do.
So, Mark Your Calendars for these events that benefit The Jane Lloyd Fund:
The Harlem Line at The White Hart Inn Saturday, March 24, 2018 from 8:30-11:00pm (tickets available at the door!)
The 14th Annual Spring Splash Sunday, April 18, 2018 Registration starts at 12:00pm
For more information about The Jane Lloyd Fund, and how to donate, visit http://www.thejanelloydfund.org/
Dance with The Harlem Line at the White Hart Inn to Benefit The Jane Lloyd Fund
On Saturday, March 24 from 8:30-11:00 pm, the White Hart Inn will host the third annual Jane Lloyd Fund benefit dance with The Harlem Line, a seven-piece R&B and Rock & Roll band.
The dance will raise funds for the Jane Lloyd Fund which was established twelve years ago to commemorate and extend the cycle of community generosity that sustained Jane Lloyd during her fight against cancer. The Jane Lloyd Fund raises and distributes funds to help cancer patients in our community meet their day-to-day financial obligations. 100% of the $15.00 admission will directly benefit cancer patients in Salisbury/Lakeville, Canaan, Sharon, Falls Village, Kent and Cornwall.
Please visit www.thejanelloydfund.org for more information or call 860-824-5493.
Join the 14th Annual Spring Splash in Lake Wononscopomuc
Enjoy a very refreshing swim in Lake Wononscopomuc (Lakeville Lake) on April 8 and raise funds for the Housatonic FFA Alumni John Rice Scholarship and The Jane Lloyd Fund. The Housatonic FFA John Rice Scholarship supports students from Housatonic Valley Regional High School choosing careers in agriculture and agricultural business; The Jane Lloyd Fund provides financial assistance to local families who have been affected by cancer.
Registration for the splash ($25) opens at noon in the Grove building; the plunge begins at 1:00 pm. The first 75 registrants will receive a commemorative t-shirt and following the splash, all plungers are welcome to enjoy beverages, grilled hotdogs, snacks and dessert. Brave souls of any age are welcome to participate, although those under 18 must be accompanied and registered by a parent or guardian. More information is available at 860-435-9866.
Have Fun and Make a Difference at Salisbury School’s Spring Carnival to Benefit The Jane Lloyd Fund
On April 14, from 6:00-11:00, the Salisbury School invites the community to its annual spring carnival in the Flood Athletic Center, pm. The carnival benefits the Jane Lloyd Fund, which helps cancer patients in a Region One cope with day-to-day living expenses while undergoing cancer treatments.
The carnival will feature a wide variety of food and attractions for all ages, including bungee extreme, gaga ball, Ultimate Sports Combo, Adrenaline Rush, hippo chow down, laser tag, a bounce house with a basketball hoop, knocker balls, a mechanical bull and much more. You can enjoy food from a Ben and Jerry’s ice cream truck, cotton candy and other popular carnival foods. Admission is $5.00 per person or $20.00 for a family, with donations to benefit cancer patients gratefully accepted. More information is available from the Salisbury School Director of Student Activities at www.salisburyschool.org.
CONTACT:Caroline Burchfield 860-435-9553 clburchf@hotchkiss.org