Love thy raindrops! The Tri-State area is one of pride and camaraderie – a place where residents find beauty and purpose in the simplest of things. Instead of weathering the storm, the Berkshires dance amongst it and find reasons to celebrate.
Rain barrels are a simple technology that reaps a bountiful harvest far beyond well hydrated crops. Rain collections systems save money, recycle a natural resource and create excitement! Each rainy day suddenly becomes a science experiment – the ultimate test of one’s engineering skills. In a world that has grown in complexity we are slowly reconnecting with our roots to protect the beauty of our earth.
Click here for help creating a simple rain collection system that will hydrate your lawn or garden in the months to come.
The Berkshire region, historically a farming community, has evolved into a commingling of several forward-thinking groups whom all continue to share a strong passion for the preservation of the Litchfield Hills and our natural surroundings. Community groups, businesses, local governments and citizens all work together to preserve our quaint villages, fresh air and beautiful mountains.
Eco-friendly construction has become a thriving industry in throughout the Hudson Valley Region. The trend of home-owners to build homes that leave less of a carbon footprint is growing in popularity. The Berkshires are a uniquely fortunate geographic region that allows for home owners and builders to take advantage of many natural resources. Vast lots of land easily lend themselves to geothermal heating/cooling systems. Open skies warm sunny rooftops to yield solar electricity. Scenic streams and rivers flood opportunities for hydroelectricity. Farm waste methane repurposing systems offer emission reduction and cost-effective fuel opportunities.
Click here to learn how Freund’s Farm in Canaan, CT has progressively integrated the use of methane gas and solar energy into traditional farm practices. Article by Shako Liu, The Register Citizen.
Local resources paired with those who strive to integrate old principles into new ways of life, work together to create a unique interdependent relationship of thriving communities and a beautiful landscape.