“On the 10th of November each year, wherever we are, we pause to celebrate the anniversary of our Corps, and reflect on who we are, what we do, and why we do it.” — Commandant of the Marine Corps General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr.
November 10th is one of the most revered days of each year for the United States Marine Corps, marking the date that the Corps was established in 1775. On this day, Marines rejoice with pride and exchange sincere wishes of “Happy Birthday” to one another, then join together in the grand celebration of a Birthday Ball that is held on Marine Bases across the globe.
The Harneys are a USMC family, with the late John Harney Sr. and two of his sons, John & Paul, having served in the Corps. The Harney Family and the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation came together this year to honor the late John Sr. with the formation of the Staff Sergeant John D. Harney USMC Memorial Scholarship. We are proud to have named Samone Morris, who will be attending St. Petersburg College in Clearwater, as the scholarship recipient this year. Click here to read a beautiful letter of appreciation that was written by Samone.
“The Few, The Proud” is a modern slogan associated with the USMC. Please join us in honoring all of our Marines and the many United States troops who pledge their lives for our country each day – …The Many, Whom we are Always Proud!