14th Annual Jane Lloyd Fund Clambake: Saturday, July 27th, 2019 from 2:00pm-8:00pm on Satre Hill, home of the Salisbury Winter Sports Associations ski jumps. Clambake tickets are advance sale only. Don’t miss out, purchase your tickets now: click here.
The Kiln is the heart and soul of the Clambake. Clambake ingredients are prepared on a hand-built kiln of stone, wood, and seaweed. This one-of-a-kind kiln creates an enormous fire pit on which the lobsters, local corn, potatoes, and clams are cooked. Alternating layers of seaweed and food are piled on top and the entire mound is covered with canvas that has been drenched in seawater to seal in the heat and prevent the canvas from burning. The dramatic roaring blaze is the centerpiece of the clambake.
The clambake includes clams, lobster, corn on the cob, and potatoes which are cooked on a seaweed kiln, and served at 4:00 pm. Hamburgers, hot dogs, clam chowder, ice cream, beer and wine available for purchase at the clambake.
Eliot Osborn and friends will provide live music. The Jane Lloyd Fund was established to provide financial support to local cancer patients and their families;
Clambake tickets are advance sale only and are available at www.berkshiretaconic.org/
100% of the clambake’s proceeds go directly to Jane Lloyd Fund recipients. More info is at www.thejanelloydfund.org